Verse 12

1.What is Time? ( the author is referring to Psychological time)
2.When one is carried away by thinking/emotions/thought patterns etc, like a falling leaf is by strong winds,
3.One loses touch with Silence and a separation occurs between oneself and silence.
4.This separation is time. (Clearly time is mind-made ; It is a creation of mind which does not operate consciously from silence).
Verse 11

1.The Sky is not the word "sky".
2.The Flower is not the word "flower".
3.Nothing is not the word "nothing".
4.Similarly, Silence is not the word "Silence"
Verse 10

1.One cannot seek to Surrender to find out how to meditate.
2.One cannot seek to Surrender to find out what is surrendering.
3.One cannot seek to Surrender to find out what one gets by surrendering.
4.One can only seek to Surrender to stop all further seeking.
Verse 9

1. How do I Surrender to Silence?
2. I shall not ask that question.
3. "How can I fall asleep?" , do I ever get sleep by asking that?
4. I just sleep; asking how does not help.
Verse 8

1.True Meditation is to listen to Silence.
2.It is to look at noise and feel the silence underneath it.
3.Meditation is to surrender to the Silence
4.It is to realize I am that Silence.
Verse 7

1.To live is to be.
2.To die is to live.
3.To Meditate is to die.
4.Unless i get rid of my fear of death how can i ever truly be.
Verse 6

1.To be Fragile is true Strength.
2.To be strong is fragile.
3.Ask not how to be Fragile.
4.Ask not how not to be strong.
Verse 5
1.In Silence It is seen.
2.All Noise point towards It.
3.You hear It hearing you.
4.It hears you hearing It.
Verse 4
1.The Sun shines, the Plants grow
2.The Rain showers, the Flowers bloom
3.I see it
4.It sees me
Verse 3

1.I know not the answers.
2.I knew not the questions.
3.Mind does not doubt.
4.Mind IS the Doubt.