Daiva Dasakam or Ten Verses To the Infinite is a prayer penned by
Sri Narayana Guru circa 1914.

"Happiness is the primary quest of man. Happiness indeed is the supreme end of all spiritual and mundane human endeavors. The human soul finds its greater joys in the shining happiness of the abiding and the everlasting rather than in the momentary pleasures of the senses. The grand journey of the soul is towards this great goal. The attainment of this goal gains in fullness as human communities grow in inner improvement.
In a community gaining physical, moral and spiritual prosperity, religious institutions and observances are seen to have been of great help. Such institutions therefore could serve a purpose. But all these can be sustained only by the economic well being of the community. With this in view, agriculture, trade and technology have to be developed and improved
The worldly and the spiritual are not diverse or contradictory; but are directed to the same end As the well-being of the body is achieved when all its limbs function in unison, so does it require for mankind to attain its supreme goal of abiding Happiness, all worldly and spiritual activities are tuned into perfect coordination."
-Sree Narayana Guru
Saint, seer and reformer Sree Narayana Guru whose mortal life spanned the last two centuries (1856 – 1928) was borne in the southwest Indian state of Kerala. Sree Narayana Guru is singular in the philosophy and manner through which he has ever so silently brought about a deep running qualitative transformation in the way men live. This process is still continuing. His presence and vision have been historically unique in the way they have been influencing and transforming the life and outlook of the whole region cutting across all segments of religion, race, believes, economic status and political orientation. The core of his philosophy is that Knowledge that leads to inner transformation of man bringing about the achievement of happiness for one and all is fundamental to all human achievements irrespective of the manner and methods that the individuals and groups may adopt.
Daiva Dashakam
God! keep us ever in Thy succor Forsake us not here my Lord Thou the Mariner and Thy foothold Sure vessel on rough seas of life!
Reckoning one and then one, to infinity- When names and numbers are all done, Like unto the serene Eye remaining, In Thee, let our inner self subside.
With grub and garb all providing Who for ever us in fullness keep With no lapse or miss to intervene Thou indeed art our bounteous Lord
Let this in conviction sink, that as feel of ocean, To the waves and wind and fathomless deep do link So we, to illusory Nature, Thy splendor And Thy transcendent Truth, do link.
Confined or free, existence all with thy splendour is full. Such my Lord is Thy Being! This Thy surpassing Glory do we praise! Hail to Thee! Hail! Perfect Being!
Thou the creation, Thou the Creator And Thou the manifold magic of creation And Thou Great Lord art the Stuff All that is with which is wrought
Truth Thou Art, Knowledge and Bliss! Thou Lord Art the present and so the past And the future is none other but Thou. Thou indeed is known as the conceiving word!
Thou Art the Divine Apparition And the one who go on playing this And Thou the one to relish this game And Great Sun, wiping all who Supreme Unison grants.
Hail to thee Oh God Supreme! Hail! Thou who ever from affliction lift! Hail to thee pure existence-bliss! Hail great ocean of grace!
May we all Lord in the waters of thy Glory merge That go on deepening without ever an end So merging may we remain with never an end And May Infinite Happiness in fullness live !