Yesterday Night , It was there, a sacred presence that filled the entire room.
It was very late when I had finished my work,I noticed a silence so beautiful that i dint feel like falling asleep even i was considerably exhausted. i was in touch with silence after a really long time. i marveled at the quietness of it like baby that is seeing a new face with a beautiful smile. I was suddenly filled with a feeling that cannot be expressed, or measured or compared to anything i had ever felt before. The brain can be quite dull at remembering such sacredness. I wasn't even sure if it was a feeling in the first place. Bliss may be a term that can come close and point at it.

It was nearly early dawn. I don't know how long i lay there totally absorbed in this silence. Not thinking, Not trying to tell my self the beauty of it. I was completely at one with it.

I know not when sleep came.
I know not which of the many peaceful gaps between the in and out breaths it choose to enter me.
But I had fallen asleep
I woke up early, only to find my mind was still filled by that silence that visited my room. It is said that the first thought you have as soon as you wake up is a continuation of the last thought u had before you slept.But strange as it were, I had no thoughts this day as i woke up, Just pure inner silence.

For the first time i was able to wake up to the presence of my true inner essence.
--Sachin Modeel
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