A disciple said to the Zen master Hogen. "When I was studying with my previous Master I got some insight into what Zen is all about."
"So what is this insight you have?" asked Hogen.
"When I asked the master who Buddha was(by which of course, I mean Reality), he said .'Ping-ting comes for fire'"
"That was a fine reply," said Hogen,"but i fear you may have got it wrong. Tell me what meaning you gave to his words."
"Well,"said the disciple,"Ping-ting is the god of fire.Now to say that the god of ire comes for fire is as absurd as to have me , whose true nature is really Buddha , ask who the Buddha is. How can one who is actually ,even though unconsciously,the Buddha, formulate a question regarding the Buddha?"
"Ah, ah!" said Hogen. "Exactly what i feared! You're completely off the mark. Now you ask me."
"Very well. Who is Buddha?"
"Ping-ting comes for fire." said Hogen
I came across an old journal, in which i used to capture a few lines of what i paid attention to each day. I had completely forgotten it existed. I started reading it , and i was surprised as to why or when i wrote it?... i find it somewhat appropriate to read every time i feel like i need a glimpse of what i should look at. I have taken up the task of continuing the work, one day at a time. meanwhile i think it might be nice to post the old entries one by one....
I have decided to call the series of post "The Awakening of Silence" cause most of this work deals with the topic of silence and meditation etc , and also i feel like i am drawn into that beautiful silence every time i read a verse.
Try reading it one at a time and give some attention to the space that clears up in you.
Please do let me know if it was of any help to you.

I reached the auditorium just in time and couldn't hear the Introduction to the talk. "The Seekers these days are definitely just looking for something to add to their FaceBook profiles so that their friends think they are interesting...." - so began a spiritual talk given by a 18-year-old vibrant young man a few days back, which i attended. A person next to me quietly commented to me "Doesn't HE have a facebook profile???"
OK , by now Most of you must have understood pretty much all that i wanted to communicate in this post. You can stop reading this post now. Before you do that , if you think the focus of the parable was that the speaker was just 18 years old, or how the talk began ----- then you have completely missed the mark, and you need to read further.

I really don't think i am sooo realized an entity that i can teach lessons.... i am reminded of a story which i think can put things in better perspective.
The Four monks....

Four monks decided to go into silence for a month.They started out well enough but after the first day one monk said. "I wonder if I locked the door of my cell at the monastery before we set out."
Another monk said, "You fool! We decided to keep silence for a month and now you have gone and broken it!"
A third monk said, "What about you? You have broken it too!"
Said the forth, "Thank God I'm the only one who hasn't spoken yet!"

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