A disciple said to the Zen master Hogen. "When I was studying with my previous Master I got some insight into what Zen is all about."
"So what is this insight you have?" asked Hogen.
"When I asked the master who Buddha was(by which of course, I mean Reality), he said .'Ping-ting comes for fire'"
"That was a fine reply," said Hogen,"but i fear you may have got it wrong. Tell me what meaning you gave to his words."
"Well,"said the disciple,"Ping-ting is the god of fire.Now to say that the god of ire comes for fire is as absurd as to have me , whose true nature is really Buddha , ask who the Buddha is. How can one who is actually ,even though unconsciously,the Buddha, formulate a question regarding the Buddha?"
"Ah, ah!" said Hogen. "Exactly what i feared! You're completely off the mark. Now you ask me."
"Very well. Who is Buddha?"
"Ping-ting comes for fire." said Hogen
6:49 PM |
The Awakening of Silence (series)
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